ISBN Registration in Canada

In Canada, ISBNs are issued free of charge by Library and Archives Canada (LAC).

1. Register as a Publisher:

o Visit the Library and Archives Canada ISBN Service.
o Create an account using your publishing company’s details (Bethel Publishing House, Toronto branch).
o Approval may take a few business days.

2. Request ISBNs:
    • Once registered, log in and request an ISBN for each book.
    • ISBNs are issued instantly or within a short time.
3. Assign the ISBN to the Book:
    • Each format (print, eBook, audiobook) needs a separate ISBN.
    • The ISBN should be placed on the copyright page and the back cover (for printed books).
4. Submit Legal Deposit:
    • Canadian law requires publishers to submit copies of books to Library and Archives Canada.
    • More details: Legal Deposit.